Monday, October 20, 2008

Over 24 Hours In...

Well Cassidy still has a "fondness" for Mama. Progress in bonding with Baba (which is Chinese for "Papa... again, Chinese is so easy!) is moving ever so slowly. She tolerates me at Cheerios time, and I've figured out that Shari can actually go into the restroom without her crying as long as we are looking out of the window at the city (with visibility of about a half-mile). Mind you, I haven't had the opportunity to test that a second time, so I don't know that the theory will consistently hold true.

Let's see. What else have we learned besides she's not much of a walker? Well she has a bit of a cold, and she itches a lot. I'd like to think the itching is from the bath last night, but she has preexisting scratches on both shoulder blades and along her legs that might suggest something else (scabies perhaps?). We've given her some benadryl and purchased some lotion in the hopes that these will remedy the coughing and itching.

Right now, it's about the 1:00 hour, and I've had the opportunity to venture out and enjoy one of the area Wal-Mart Super Centers. It's unlike any Wal-Mart I've ever been to, but they're still rolling back prices.

I then went to a McDonald's that reminded me of Shanghai. Everything was close but no cigar... the fries weren't quite right, the burger had cucumbers on it instead of pickles, and the coke just didn't taste like Coca-Cola Classic to me. Mama enjoyed the surprise of the Hunan spicy sauce on the burger.

FYI... I just tested the window theory, and it doesn't prove out. All I have at the moment is Cheerios.

I know I've painted a somewhat bleak picture (at least from the father perspective), but our experience is not everyone's. There was another woman at the Bureau yesterday who was getting a younger girl, and that girl was all smiles from within a minute of being handed over. She is very energetic and active already (saw her this morning at breakfast).

That being said, I'd be lying if I didn't say this outright fear directed towards me is brutally hard. It might be the toughest thing I've ever had to endure... and I've endured some crap in my life. She will come around, though... even if it doesn't happen until we get home.


Frank and Rowena said...

So good to see Cassidy on the video and she looks very relaxed with both of you. I'm sure it's hard not to have that father-daughter bond right away, but remember that God knows you are "clever" enough for this situation and it's in His hands. It was, after all, His idea!

ErinC said...

I've been reading your blog since you left and I am so excited for you all! What an experience! Jacob was telling me a little about her this morning - he seemed so excited! :) It must be so hard for you Brad - I had a friend in grade school who's stepdad had to go to Iraq during Desert Storm. Her stepdad and mom had had a baby girl a few months before he left, and when he came back she was well over a year old. I'll never forget how she was so unsure of him - she wouldn't let him hold her and strongly preferred her mom. However, things changed quickly once routine came back to their life, and now she couldn't be more of a "daddy's girl!" Hang in there - she'll come around! And God will get you through it until she does! :)

You guys have been in our prayers and will continue to be! Can't wait to meet her!

Take Care!
Erin Connolly