Friday, October 17, 2008

Live and Direct from Hong Kong

Well after a 39 minute flight to Chicago, a three-hour layover there, and a 15.5-hour flight over the northern ice cube, we are finally here. We had favor in getting an earlier flight to Chicago (although we didn't end up needing the time). We had favor in getting our seats together (our seats had been across the aisle originally). We had an easy time of getting to the hotel, and the taxi fare was cheaper than expected.

The pictures (starting from the top) are: Shari sitting patiently in the Food Court at O'Hare, proof that Global Warming is a hoax, my best guess at our flight plan based on what the flight crew had shown us on the screens, the view from our Marco Polo Hotel window, and a close-up of the left side of that view.
Today we've walked the streets a little bit, and we plan to go to the Kowloon Park and then take the Star Ferry to Hong Kong Island where we will attempt to go to the Peak and see some cool sights.
Until the next post...

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