Saturday, October 18, 2008

Hong Kong, Tourist-Style

We did a few active things today... besides walking the streets aimlessly looking for a store selling outlet plug adapters (Hong Kong is apparently different from the rest of China). We walked through Kowloon Park, took the Star Ferry to Hong Kong Island, walked the sky walks as far as they would take us, and then took the tram to the Peak (not Shari's idea of fun and definitely a big mistake). We ended our day with a taste from the culture (McDonald's). It was much more like the back-home stuff than Shanghai's.

Hong Kong has been a vastly different experience from my time in Shanghai in other ways besides McDonald's. The people speak better English, but they don't seem as friendly (the British influence perhaps? Your thoughts, Rowena?). There is an abundance of cash flying around there. I know there is a high-rent district in Shanghai, but there were top-brand stores all over the place. Instead of two out of three cars being a Buick, there were Hondas, Toyotas, Lexuses (or is it Lexi?), Porsches, etc. etc. Electronic devices of all types were readily on display by people walking the streets. The store owners weren't nearly so willing to haggle. While there are street peddlers here, they almost exclusively push tailoring and watches, and 99% of the ones I saw were of Indian or Pakistani descent. Other than that, it is easier to breathe here than it was there. There is just enough smog to give everything a captivating glow.

In terms of similarities, Hong Kong has its share of bustling activity on the streets. There are people everywhere, and the sidewalks are crowded. While drivers don't seem to be quite as passive-aggressive, you definitely never want to take for granted that they have the right of way... always. Here's my favorite shot of the people:

Oh, and Shari wanted me to be sure to tell Debbie that she ate lychee today. (I did not.)

Until next time.


Craig said...

Just so you know, Sam and Piggy miss you terribly. The pictures are awesome. Keep us up to date. Cannot wait to see Cassidy.

Jordan's family said...

We are really excited for you guys! Those are some great pictures. We have been thinking about you and praying for you. Scott and Cindy.