Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I Have Arrived!

You now see what I've been waiting for! I couldn't hope for more - besides her being free of the "vascular anomalies." I'm pretty close to being exactly where I've wanted to be with her. Truth be told, I don't care if I ever reach that mountain top. This is good enough for me. As of last night, I was able to send her to dream land by laying her on my chest. She knows me by name. She freely gives me hugs and her version of fist bumps. She actively seeks to wrap me around her finger. What more could a daughter's dad ask for?!

So what if she doesn't want to lay on me or near me at 2:00 in the morning...?! I don't want anyone laying near me at that time of night anyway!

1 comment:

ErinC said...

WOOHOO!!! Ok, don't laugh at me for my exclamation - I'm just really excited for you and Cassidy! What a GREAT picture - happy daddy, happy daughter. You're right, you just can't get any better.

And by the way, Keara will kick ANYONE out of bed at 2am - she likes her own space and her own bed. If Steve is ever out of town and I ask if she wants to sleep with me, she'd rather not. FINE WITH ME. :)

I'm so happy that you and Miss Cassidy have made such huge leaps - it's obvious from the picture just how much she loves you and how happy she is with her family. Ok, done being sappy. :)

Did you get my reply to your question? :)
